Use a radio remote or pendant controlled crane to lift and place regular loads

People accredited with this course are able to: demonstrate knowledge of  using a radio remote or pendant controlled gantry crane

  • Demonstrate knowledge of radio or pendant controlled gantry crane components, equipment, and attachments
  • Sling, lift, travel and unload or place regular loads using a radio remote or pendant controlled gantry crane 
  • Park radio remote or pendant controlled gantry crane and store equipment a
  • And -carry out daily and weekly operator maintenance of a radio remote or pendant controlled gantry crane.
Course ID


Course Title
Use a radio remote or pendant controlled crane to lift and place regular loads
Course Length

6-8 hours

Course Prerequisites


About The Course

This is a level 3 course.

Is theory & has an element of practical assessment to it. 

To be deemed competent in this course you must have prior experience.